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Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Grandmother's Flower Garden"

The "Grandmother’s Flower Garden" quilt pattern is displayed on the barn located a short distance from Yancey’s Tavern. Both the tavern and barn are located on Island Road, Tennessee’s first wagon road, built in 1761, and oldest road still in use. Pictured here as seen from Memorial Blvd. heading into Kingsport, Tn. this barn is part of the Quilt Trail in Northeast Tennessee.
click here and here for more information on this Tennessee Quilt Barn.

"Tennessee Iris"

The "Tennessee Iris" is the quilt pattern displayed on this barn located on the Love Farm, 2050 Temple Hill Rd., Erwin, Tn.

"McIntosh Star"

The "McIntosh Star" is the quilt block displayed on this red barn seen from Highway 19E entering Burnsville, N.C. from the west end.

"Hearts and Gizzards"

"Hearts and Gizzards" is the name of the quilt block displayed on this barn at The Hart Farm, 853 Watauga Road, Watauga, Tn.
click here for more info and history on this quilt pattern and barn

"Exchange Place Farm"

The “Cross and Crown” pattern is displayed on this post-and-beam barn located at The Exchange Place Farm on Orebank Road in Kingsport, Tn. 
For more information on this barn click here and here.

"Knob View Farm"

The "Star of Lemoyne" quilt pattern set inside the "Swallows in the Window" pattern make up the quilt square displayed on the Knob View Farm Barn at 2220 Silverdale Road, Johnson City, Tn.
click here for more information on this quilt pattern

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Larry Thompson Produce Barn in Jonesborough, Tn. The Quilt Pattern on this barn is the "Tulip". It is part of the Quilt Trail in Northeast Tennessee.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Little Dutch Boy and Girl" - St. John Milling Co.

When you visit the St. John Barn to look at the the quilt square, be sure to also make a visit to St. John Mill - Tennessee's oldest business!

The St. John Milling Company has a history of over 200 years continuous operation in the Watauga area of Washington County, Tennessee. Today, the St. John Farm includes Tennessee's oldest business, St. John Milling Company, and the Stone Manor, one of Tennessee's two oldest homes.

Jeremia Dungan, the original owner of the mill, purchased a deed for the mill, stone manor, and 400 acres of land from the Watauga Association in 1778. A master stone mason by trade, Dungan built the original foundation of the mill from hand-chiseled stone and hand-hen timber. The stone manor and stone mill foundations are still standing 200 years later, attesting to his fine workmanship.

The original mill was powered by a sixteen-foot high, wooden, overshot, water wheel. This wheel was connected by dogwood trunnel- Head gearing to two fifty-four inch diameter stone buhrs - one stone for grinding corn and one for grinding wheat. Beef and mutton tallow were produced on the farm to lubricate the gears and bearings.

The mill passed on to the Dungan heirs until 1866, when George W. St. John, great nephew of Jeremia Dungan, purchased the mill and farm. The Watauga valley was very prosperous, having been spared damage from the Civil War. Milling continued to flourish as it had for the past century and the area became known as "The Bread Basket of the Southeast". Railroad and water transportation were an asset to the mill and goods from the St. John Mill were shipped all over the region. In busy seasons, wagons lined up overnight to grind their grain. No one seemed to care about the inconvenience, because they enjoyed camping and visiting with their neighbors.

In 1904, James St. John inherited the mill and farm from his father. For many years, James operated the mull supplying the large stores in the area with flour and grain and doing custom milling on an individual basis. His son George St. John, an electrical engineer by profession, purchased the mill and improved the operation by converting the power source from water to electricity and modernizing the equipment.

Today, the mill is owned by George St. John's daughter and son-in-Law, Elizabeth and Ron Dawson, who are continuing the family business. The emphasis of the mill operation has changed from a general feed and milling business to a feed and seed store. The mill now specializes in all aspects of farm needs, from feed grains to pet food and veterinary supplies. The St. John Mill has existed for over 200 years, and with the support of the family and loyal customers, the business will continue into the next century.